“Find your table”
Category | Poster | Restaurant
Mother Bear’s Pizza Proposed

Every year, a new cohort of IU freshmen enter the Bloomington consumer market. Many, if not most, of these students do not yet have a go-to pizza place in town.

For a class campaign project, I was asked to convince IU freshmen to eat more Pizza through a general category poster campaign.
As Mother Bear's is a local category leader, rising interest in Pizza will translate to rising sales.

I discovered that what freshmen all really wanted (beyond passing calculus) is connection. As a freshman, it's likely one's first time living alone and one's likely living somewhere different than their hometown. So, a major priority at this age is building friendships. With bars and clubs largely out of reach, the pizza place is a great spot to build those bonds. In short, the local pizza joint is a place where friends become best friends.

It's not about the pizza. It never was.

I've been to Mother Bear's myself, and the one thing they cook up better than pie is memories. The goofy get-togethers. The spit-takes. The "you-had-to-be-there" moments. We've all been there. My two posters are snapshots of those warm, cozy, rosy moments we hope to cherish for decades. Essentially, the toppings are negotiable. The location is negotiable. As long as there's a table we can claim as "ours," that's what matters. And at Mother Bear's, everyone seats themselves. It was from that line of thinking that the "find your table" tagline took form. From there, I spoke to freshmen in their terms, competing against the convenience of dining halls and demonstrating how the pizza place turns unassuming floormates into besties for life.


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